Friday, April 22, 2011

Trust and the sprint space community.(Case study)

Has a friend or family member ever asked you about your job? How about a colleague or even someone you've never met before? If you've ever worked a day in your life, the answer is likely "yes." Now answer this: Do you remember what story you told? And did you think about the impact you might be having on that person's perception of your company's brand?

The Edelman Trust Barometer, a survey released in February of 4,475 "influencers" across the globe (defined as college-educated people with household incomes in the top quartile for their country, per age group, who report significant media consumption and engagement in business news and public policy), notes that trust in businesses has fallen by more than 20 percent in the past year. At the same time, Edelman ranks conversations with company employees as the third-highest credible source of information about an organization, and suggests that people need to hear details about a company three to five times to find them to be reliable.

Read the full story:

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